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베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
난관에 봉착한 한반도 평화를 비롯하여
우리 지구촌 곳곳에는 아직도
전쟁과 환경파괴, 차별과 반목, 이기주의가 만연하고 있습니다.
하지만 우리에게는 희망이 있습니다.
평화를 향한 돌파구를 모색하고 더불어 함께 잘사는 공감의 문화를 만들어가며
우리 사회 곳곳에서 혁신을 일으키고 있는 세계의 체인지메이커, 컬처디자이너,
그리고 지역혁신활동가들이 있기 때문입니다.
베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
Building a peaceful
global village
Shaping a
sustainable future
Fostering a more
inclusive society
How do you tackle these challenges?
Present your unique project that is making positive change in the world.
Share, inspire and win a prize!
베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
*Select applicants are provided with a grant for travel and full hospitality during the event.
베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
In addition to the main Challenge, we are running a special contest of ideas for the host city of PyeongChang.
"How to transform the Olympic Plaza site into a peace-themed landmark and enhance a sustainable regional development?"
Click to submit your idea and win a cash prize!
베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
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Join us on this 3-Day Journey from head to heart
Opening Ceremony
Global Talk, World Music Concert & Welcome Dinner
Gain insights from global impact makers and influencers as they share their voices on why our world is better together from diverse perspectives and how and what we can do to make the world a better place.
Live music from around the world will follow to welcome everyone to the event.
OPEN VOICE Roundtable Discussion
Every voice matters to shape a city
Express your voice in intimate group discussions on creating a city of peace in PyeongChang, where Creatives from various backgrounds will exchange ideas and proposals on how to ensure a sustainable platform for both the local and international communities to work together towards building a culture of peace.
Online voices will also chime in via social media, and the ideas sparked during the discussions will be shared with city planners the rest of the world through online distribution.
Better Together School & Fair
Fun, Interactive and Educational
Uplift your spirits through interactive workshops, participatory exhibitions, sustainable design products & crafts and wholesome food, all lovingly prepared by culture designers. Swing by anytime you like.
Better Together Social Night
Meet, Mingle and Connect
It’s time to meet interesting new people and create meaningful connections! Open mic stage to share your talents, and rapid fire self-introduction game, casual conversations, exciting music, and creatively presented healthy local cuisine like you have never seen await you.
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Once the home ground for the opening & closing ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympics, the Olympic Plaza will be transformed with peace and eco-themed geodesic domes.
This is where the Better Together Global Challenge will unfold.
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베터투게더 챌린지
더 나은 세상을 꿈꾸는 혁신가들의
문화올림픽이자 세계대회입니다.
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Co-hosted by
Official partners